Paul Mücksch


New publications and preprints (see also here):

  • Free multiderivations of connected subgraph arrangements with Gerhard Röhrle and Sven Wiesner, arXiv:2406.19866
  • Correction to: Shelling-type orderings of regular CW-complexes and acyclic matchings of the Salvetti complex with Emanuele Delucchi published in International Mathematics Research Notices, Vol. 2024, Issue 15 (2024), 11484–11487, journal
  • Flag-accurate arrangements with Gerhard Röhrle and Tan Nhat Tran, published in Innov. Incidence Geom., Vol. 21 (2024), No. 1, 57–116, journal
  • Modular flats of oriented matroids and poset quasi-fibrations, published in Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Series B 11 (2024), 306-328, journal (open-access)
  • Projective dimension of weakly chordal graphic arrangements with Takuro Abe, Lukas Kühne and Leonie Mühlherr, arXiv:2307.06021, to be published in Algebraic Combinatorics.

About me

I am currently a postdoctoral researcher in the Discrete Mathematics/Geometry group of Prof. Dr. Michael Joswig at TU Berlin with a DFG "Eigene Stelle" within the DFG priority programme SPP 2458 "Combinatorial Synergies".
For my earlier positions please see my CV.

My research is in the field of algebraic and geometric combinatorics with connections to commutative algebra, algebraic geometry and algebraic topology. I am particularly interested in the interplay between combinatorial, algebraic and topological invariants of discrete geometric objects like hyperplane arrangements, i.e. finite sets of codimension one subspaces in a finite dimensional vector space, oriented matroids, and reflection groups.